Friday, September 01, 2006

Anti-Semitism and its causes

Captain's Quarters has an link to a der Spiegel interview with Charlotte Knobloch, who survived the Holocaust and became head of the German Jewish Council. More evidence that anti-Zionism is the acceptable (and legal) way of expressing anti-Semitism. Scroll down for my post, in which I write:

Lots of people have armies and defend themselves. There's a reason why Israelis, under attack constantly since the founding of their state, are perceived, not as defensive but "militaristic." There's a reason why the Israeli is seen as a persecutor of the innocent.

These reasons are at the very basis of our culture and acts of defence by Israelis (Jews have long had self-defence restrictions in both the West and Islam) reverberate so powerfully. Arafat and others since have succeeded in portraying the Isreali as the persecutor and the Palestinian as Christ (
he even went so far as to suggest that Jesus was not a Jew but a Palestinian) because it's an image that lies at the core of Western culture. That core is a Christendom long denied in order to pursue internal peace.

Everyone bought the
fraud that a missile was fired right through the center of the red cross on the roof of an ambulance ("in Qana, where Jesus turned water into wine, and now it's blood," as the helpful CTV news anchor said), thus proving how effective Muslim propaganda plays in Christian lands.

The blood libel against the Jew starts at the cross and it flows down to our day. The armed Israeli is perceived as the Jew with a spike and hammer, standing at the foot of the Cross.

No, you don't have to be anti-Semitic to be anti-Israeli but it sure helps. The interview with Knobloch, I think, proves that, or at least gives powerful evidence.

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